Davido’s hit single, “IF” is now a certified “Gold” record holder in the United States with the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) dropping their golden stamp on the record.
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is the trade organization that supports and promotes the creative and financial vitality of the major music companies. Its members comprise the most vibrant record industry in the world, investing in great artists to help them reach their potential and connect to their fans.

The certification was made official when RIAA posted it on their official website stating that the record which was released on the 17th of February 2017 has sold over 500,000 digital copies, thereby qualifying it for such great feat.
According to RIAA, their historic Gold and Platinum Program defines success in the recorded music industry and while it was originally conceived to honour artistes and track sound recording sales, Gold and Platinum Awards have come to stand as a benchmark of success for any artiste; whether new to the scene or a veteran to the game. A previous Davido’s hit single ‘Fall’ has also received this prestigious certification in the United States from RIAA on the 28th of May 2020 after also selling 500,000 digital copies and Kiddominant, the record producer also received an RIAA gold certification for ‘Fall’ in October 2020.
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