Talent manager and General manager @thecapmusic (TheCAPMusic is a record label, Publishing and managements company founded by @Spinall).

Sodamola Tolulope, shares his journey with us, into the music industry, Tips, lessons, high, lows and how the pandemic has impacted his job as an artist manager and the music industry at large.
“I have been doing this proffessionally for six years.
In our Interview with Tolulope, he spoke about his mentorship & internship under Dr. Tobi Daniels before he finally took over the company. Tobi Daniels is an entertainment generalissimo who is very instrumental in the career of showbiz stars like Ice Prince, Spinall, Elderson Echiejile among several others.

Tolulope, also did not shy away from giving tips and advice to rising artist managers. He emphasized on continuous learning, diligence, commitment, ability to work under pressure, among under tips.
Sodamola also runs a promotion company called verbal promotions
which is more dedicated to Event Production, A&R Consultations plus branding and co owns a music marketing & Distribution company called AGD.
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